How To Send A Keylogger Hiding It In Photo File .

Step 1: You will need two files - the file in which you have ur keylogger and one jpg image - it can be of any size or dimensions. [If you want to hide multiple files in one jpeg image, just zip them into one file]

Step 2: Copy the above two files to the C: folder and open the command prompt window.

Step 3:Move to the c: root by typing cd \ [if the files are in another folder, you'll have to change the prompt to that folder]

Step 4: The most important step - type the following command:

copy /b myimage.jpg + file.exe my_new_image.jpg

now the antivirus will not detect the keylogger take it to any cyber center as if he checks , the logger will be in the form of jpg .

To recover the original exe file, just rename my_new_image.jpg to filename.exe.

That's it - No advanced Steganography tricks involved here. Just remember to write the correct syntax of the copy command:

copy /b sourceimage.jpg + filetohide.exe targetimage.jpg


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